Smestad - Sogn tunnel excavation, site preparations and concrete foundations

Informacija apie pirkimą

2016-05-11 15:21 (GMT+03:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Statnett SF Statnett SF
Ola Ertresvåg Ola Ertresvåg
Postboks 4904 Nydalen
0423 Oslo

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Statnett SF hereby invites your company to participate and respond to this market survey request to participate in the upcoming inquiry “KON - 002264 Smestad – Sogn” regarding tunnel excavation, site preparations and concrete foundation.

The purpose of this market survey is to clarify potential suppliers’ interest to participate in the inquiry coming up September 2016.

All information received by the providers, in response to this market survey, is for planning purposes and for Statnett SF eyes only, hence treated confidential.

Statnett SF is using the Sellihca code 4.1.7 Tunnelling & Shafts and the supplier selection for this survey is based on Sellihca qualified suppliers as per May 3, 2016.

Statnett uses Sellihca Qualification scheme. For more information, see the following link:

Note that Statnett SF is subject to public procurement law and supply regulation. This market survey is not a procurement process. Participation will subsequently not affect your competitiveness, and lead to either advantages or disadvantages in any future competition.

Statnett SF is the main operator of the Norwegian power transmission. It involves operating approximately 11,000 km of power transmission lines and 150 power stations across the country. One control centre including three regional centres monitor the domestic power transmission, including the transmissions to Sweden, Finland, Russia, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Statnett SF is a fully state-owned enterprise established under the Public Enterprises Act, and governed by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Headquarter is in Oslo and with operations throughout Norway. Statnett SF has approximately 1100 employees in total.

For more information about Statnett SF please visit Statnett SF website

Address any questions / concerns about this market survey to the following Statnett contact person:

Name: Arild Wabo

Phone: +4723904764


For any correspondence use «KON - 002264 Smestad – Sogn” regarding tunnel excavation“ in the subject field.

You may only use in your reply to this market survey.

This market survey shall imply no obligation for Statnett SF whatsoever nor oblige Statnett SF to conduct a procurement process in the future, nor commit Statnett to award a contract to any of the suppliers participating in this market survey.

According to Law of 05.19.2006 No. 16 - Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) procurement processes are subject to public scrutiny. Deals, contract and procurement protocol are public documents after the award of the contract and subject to public scrutiny, ref. its Act § 23.

Tentative schedule:

Inquiry: September 2016

Signed contract: May 2017

Start-up construction: August 2017

Hand-over: Q3-2019

Scope in brief: Approximately 4100 meters tunnel excavation plus a cavern and foundation for the SF6 power plant.

Attachment: An more detailed overview in the Norwegian language.

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