County road 152 Vevelstadvn-Smedsrudvn — Langhus bridge.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2016-02-17 10:27 (GMT+02:00)
2016-04-01 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Statens vegvesen Region øst [The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Eastern Region] Statens vegvesen Region øst [The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Eastern Region]
Glenn Sakshaug
Postboks 1010
2605 Lillehammer

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

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The bridge work on Langhus bridge is a part of the project for the construction of a new foot and cycle path between Vevelstadveien and Smedrudsveien and it is announced as a separate sub contract. Langhus bridge goes over the railway so that the work must, amongst other things, be carried out in accordance with the restrictions from the Norwegian National Railway Authority.

The bridge shall be expanded by approx. 1.0 m on one side in order to make room for a separate foot and cycle path. The edge beams shall be renovated, the railings shall be replaced and there shall be new protection over the railway and new lighting. The divide between the county road and the foot and cycle path is to be a concrete railing.

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