16/02439-2 - Submarine installation and burial specialist for Viking Link

Informacija apie pirkimą

101 - Goods and services
2016-02-03 13:31 (GMT+02:00)
2016-02-10 13:00 (GMT+02:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Energinet.dk Energinet.dk
Helle Junge Barløse Helle Barløse
Tonne Kjærsvej 65
7000 Fredericia

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

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The Submarine installation and burial specialist must handle the following assignments:

- Partake in tender preparation of installation and protection of HVDC submarine Cables

- Partake in prequalification evaluation of the PQ applicants

- Partake in tender evaluation

- Partake in tender negotiations

- Follow-up on installation and burial method statements after contract signing

- Follow-up on DPRs during cable installation and burial

The Submarine installation and burial specialist must further:

- Be an active and committed member of the technical workstream team and understand the organizational and technical context in which operations are conducted.

- Partake actively in cross disciplinary discussions in so far they are relevant for the works

- Have good interpersonal skills and manage the art of collaboration

- Be prepared for some travelling to the UK in order to partake in meetings

- Communicate in English

- Work 50-60 % dedicated to this project at Energinet.dk, Erritsø (estimated hours, see schedule prices).

Mercell Lithuania UAB

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