The printing of posters, maps, booklets and folders.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2015-12-14 16:59 (GMT+02:00)
2016-01-16 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Ruter As (Forsyning) Ruter As (Forsyning)
Tone Karlsen
Postboks 1030 Sentrum
0104 Oslo

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Ruter wishes to enter into an agreement with a permanent cooperation partner for the printing of posters, maps, booklets and folders. Offset printed matter are primarily requested. Ruter uses posters in connection with campaigns and information on board underground train carriages, buses, tramways and vessels. Ruter also issues annual updates of visiting maps, both as large folding maps and as miniature folders (Z-card). Ruter also requires brochures, folders, tear-off pads and other small printed matter. Ruter's brochure ‘Reisegaranti’ (The Travel Guarantee) is for instance distributed in all carriages and buses. Last year Ruter distributed approx. 100 000 copies of this brochure. However, Ruter experiences a downward tendency in the demand for paper-based information, while the demand for digital media increases.

Mercell Lithuania UAB

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