New Øyra School.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2015-01-27 05:34 (GMT+02:00)
2015-03-25 14:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Volda kommune Volda kommune
Anne-Mari Falkevik Anne-Mari Falkevik
Stormyra 2
6100 Volda

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

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The works include the construction of New Øyra school with associated technical installations and outside works. In addition, demolition, moving and rebuilding of new network station and associated earth cables for the network provider as part of the turnkey contract.

The school is dimensioned for 15 classes each of 28 students, altogether a total of 420 students in year levels 1st to 7th grade for speakers of minority languages and premises for the culture school in Volda. The school shall consist of a new building and an altered existing pavilion building, which will be standing after demolition of the existing school and connected together with the new building. Total area is approximately 7 400 m2 GFA.

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