Hire of buses and coaches with driver

Informacija apie pirkimą

2014-11-11 05:30 (GMT+02:00)
2014-11-21 13:00
2014-11-21 13:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Flytoget AS Flytoget AS
Flytoget Innkjøp
Biskop Gunnerudsgate 14, 13 etg.
0185 Oslo

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

Norite gauti panašią informaciją kas rytą? Registruokitės 7 dienų NEMOKAMAI Mercell versijai!

Flytoget AS, Biskop Gunnerudsgate 14, 13 etg. Flytoget Innkjøp, Oslo, 0185, NORWAY. E-mail: mponorge@mercell.com

(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 7.11.2014, 2014/S 215-381633)

2014/S 217-384630


CPV:60172000, 60130000, 60140000

Hire of buses and coaches with driver

Special-purpose road passenger-transport services

Non-scheduled passenger transport

Instead of:

III.2.3) Technical capacity:

Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: K 06 Capacity — Requirement: Tenderers shall have the capacity to carry out the assignment. Documentation: Tenderers shall document the capacity to fulfil the assignment, describe the company and organisation, including: — Organisation chart, with a statement of the number of employees per category — Number of buses, with information on Euro class and condition — Number of drivers, with a statement of number of years employed (length of service) — Stationing places. Equivalent information and documentation shall be available for any sub suppliers.


III.2.3) Technical capacity:

Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: K 06 Capacity: — Requirement: Tenderers shall document sufficient capacity in the form of access to buses and personnel to fulfil the contract. Equivalent information and documentation shall be available for any sub-suppliers.

Mercell Lithuania UAB

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