Procurement of debt collection service abroad for the Norwegian National Collection Agency, henceforth referred to as SI.

Informacija apie pirkimą

2014-05-28 05:40 (GMT+03:00)
2014-07-02 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Statens Innkrevingssentral971 648 198 Statens Innkrevingssentral971 648 198
Svein Inge Haugerud
Terminalveien 2
8601 Mo i Rana

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

Norite gauti panašią informaciją kas rytą? Registruokitės 7 dienų NEMOKAMAI Mercell versijai!

SI shall enter into an agreement on co-operation with a provider. The agreement includes collection of non-performing student loans for collection and indemnity claims abroad, as well as recovery of funding and fines when SI finds this expedient.

Mercell Lithuania UAB

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