County road 715/710 Krinsvass bridge.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2014-05-14 05:31 (GMT+03:00)
2014-06-23 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Statens vegvesen Region midt971032081 Statens vegvesen Region midt971032081
Project Department Project Department
Håvard Ellingsen
6404 Molde

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The Norwegian Public Roads Administration shall, on behalf of Nord-Trøndelag and Sør-Trøndelag county develop the toll road project Fosenvegene. This project includes county road 715/710 Krinsvass bridge as one of the measures on the stretch county road 715 Olsøy-Åfjord.

The current bridge over Nordelva at Krinsvatnet shall be replaced with a new bridge that shall be constructed on the upstream side of the existing bridge.. A hilltop immediately to the west of the bridge shall be improved so as to achieve good visibility in the junction. In addition the road ditch shall be expanded, new drainage shall be laid and railings set up against the existing rock cutting. The existing car park area between the toll station and Nordelva shall be extended for parking and loading purposes. Surplus matter from the site shall be used to establish a road filling that shall be constructed in Rødsjøsvingen, approx. 3 km south of Krinsvass bridge. This is also a good place for unusable matter as the road filling shall be levelled on the hill to a gradient of up to 1:4.

K1-Krinsvass bridge

Reinforced slab bridge with three spans with span widths of 20, 27 and 10 m. The total bridge length is approx. 65 m. The guide width varies between 8.8 m and 21.3 m. The bridge is to be founded directly on rock in axes 1 and 2 and on steel core piles to rock in axes 3 and 4.

A temporary filling must be laid for the construction of a pillar at axis 3. A temporary access road must be constructed in this area.

It is a prerequisite that the construction work, throughout all the phases, shall not prevent the traffic on the existing roads. One way traffic regulation can be allowed in periods on county road 715 and county road 710. Short closures of up to 30 minutes will be allowed.

The existing bridge shall be demolished when the traffic goes over the new Krinsvass bridge, but the abutments shall remain untouched for NVE's measuring station at Krinsvatnet.

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