Risk or hazard assessment for construction

Informacija apie pirkimą

Ribotas konkursas
2014-06-07 05:40 (GMT+03:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Odense Letbane Odense Letbane
Odense Letbane Odense Letbane
Jørleif Joensen Jørleif Joensen
Flakhaven 2
5000 Odense C

Norite gauti panašią informaciją kas rytą? Registruokitės 7 dienų NEMOKAMAI Mercell versijai!

Odense Letbane, Flakhaven 2, Odense Letbane, For the attention of: Jørleif Joensen, Odense C, 5000, DENMARK. Telephone: +45 61348000. E-mail: jljoe@odense.dk

(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 3.5.2014, 2014/S 86-151742)

2014/S 109-193217


CPV:71313410, 71311200, 71317210, 90711100

Risk or hazard assessment for construction

Transport systems consultancy services

Health and safety consultancy services

Risk or hazard assessment other than for construction

Incomplete procedureThe awarding procedure has been discontinuedThe contract may be the object of a re-publication

Other additional information

The present contract notice dated 29.4.2014 is called off due to clerical errors. Thus, in the contract notice the time limit for receipt of requests to participate was 26.5.2014 at 10:00 am whereas the time limit in DOCIA was 12:00 o'clock and thus 2 hours later.

A new contract notice is expected to be published shortly with the correct time limit. In the notice the type of procedure will be changed from restricted to negotiated procedure.

Mercell Lithuania UAB

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