Framework agreement. System maintenance and system development.

Informacija apie pirkimą

2014-04-18 05:35 (GMT+03:00)
2014-05-16 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Statens legemiddelverk974761122 Statens legemiddelverk974761122
Gunnar Carelius
Sven Oftedals Vei 8
0950 Oslo

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The purpose of procurement is to enter into a framework agreement with a supplier for the maintenance, development and new development regarding the Norwegian Medicines Agency's Windows-based, proprietary systems.

The Medicines Agency currently has contracts with Computas and Visma for the provision of development and maintenance services. The new framework agreement will replace these contracts (other than that provided for a Java-based system which will be phased out). The Norwegian Medicines Agency is convinced that suppliers who do not have an agreement with the Medicines Agency today will not have a strong cost disadvantage related to working with acquiring expertise with existing systems.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency 2014 budget is 12.5 million NOK incl. VAT for purchase of system development and maintenance services on the Windows platform. For 2015, a further 7 million NOK incl. VAT has been sought for further development of the FEST service.

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