DR (Danish Broadcast Coorporation) Emil Holms Kanal 20, For the attention of: Susanne Villestrup Pedersen, København, 0999, DENMARK. Telephone: +45 20210100. Fax: +45 35202278. E-mail: suvp@dr.dk
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 4.12.2013, 2013/S 235-407661)
2014/S 020-030772
CPV:32342410, 32342400, 32331300, 32330000, 32342412, 48952000
Sound equipment
Acoustic devices
Sound-reproduction apparatus
Apparatus for sound, video-recording and reproduction
Public address systems
Incomplete procedureThe awarding procedure has been discontinuedThe contract may be the object of a re-publication
Other additional information
DR er blevet bekendt med procedurefejl i udbudsmaterialet, og vi ser os desværre nødsaget til at annullere det igangværende udbud. Der vil blive offentliggjort et nyt udbud snarest.