Supply of design, manufacture, and testing of POLARIS power stacks for the projects NA_CONS phase 1 (LS3: 490 power stacks) and phase 2 (LS4L: 540 power stacks), and SPS_CONS phase 1 (LS3: 130 power s

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2022-07-22 14:46 (GMT+03:00)
2022-10-01 23:59 (GMT+03:00)

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Pavadinimas Supply of design, manufacture, and testing of POLARIS power stacks for the projects NA_CONS phase 1 (LS3: 490 power stacks) and phase 2 (LS4L: 540 power stacks), and SPS_CONS phase 1 (LS3: 130 power s
Trumpas pirkimo aprašymas Supply of design, manufacture, and testing of POLARIS power stacks for the projects NA_CONS phase 1 (LS3: 490 power stacks) and phase 2 (LS4L: 540 power stacks), and SPS_CONS phase 1 (LS3: 130 power s (02100700, 03010306)
CERN intends a contract for the supply of design, manufacture, and testing of power stacks for the projects NA_CONS phase 1 (LS3: 19 power stacks) and phase 2 (LS4L: 26 power stacks). In detail the supply includes the assembly of the following items: (a) Front-end bridge rectifier; (b) DC-link capacitor bank; (c) H-bridge; (d) Half-bridge leg for 2-Q converter; (e) Decoupling capacitors; (f) DC-link discharge resistors; (g) Heatsinks and fans; (h) Gate drivers; (i) Bus bars; (j) Thermostats; (k) Mechanical support which will hold the components listed above together.

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas 2022-10-01 23:59

Perkančioji organizacija CERN, 108967751

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