Vehicles - Dynamic Purchasing System

Informacija apie pirkimą

02 - Contract notice
Ribotas konkursas
2020-11-16 10:39 (GMT+02:00)
2030-12-01 23:59

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Rakkestad kommune Rakkestad kommune
Rannveig Kjørvik Rannveig Kjørvik
Rådhusveien 8
1890 Rakkestad

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Rakkestad municipality intends to enter into a dynamic purchasing system for procurements of official vehicles for the municipality. The contracting authority wants a system that covers our need for transport and reduces the climate and environmental impact. The contracting authority wants the future vehicles to become considerably more climate and environmentally friendly. The tenderer must have a vehicle shop and a workshop in the vicinity of the contracting authority. The vicinity is defined as the municipalities of Rakkestad, Indre Østfold, Skiptvedt, Marker, Aremark, Halden, Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg. A complete description of contract will be published in the individual call-offs/mini competitions in the Purchasing System.

Mercell Lithuania UAB

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