Ex-ante publicity notice for procurement procedure (€15 000.01- € 60 000.00) Study on the implications of COVID-19 for women victims of intimate partner violence

Informacija apie pirkimą

2020-05-05 17:12 (GMT+03:00)
2020-05-19 16:00 (GMT+03:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

European Institute for Gender Equality European Institute for Gender Equality
Gedimino pr. 16
LT-01103 Vilnius

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Pavadinimas Ex-ante publicity notice for procurement procedure (€15 000.01- € 60 000.00) Study on the implications of COVID-19 for women victims of intimate partner violence
Trumpas pirkimo aprašymas It is requested to map information on measures developed by the Member States and the challenges and innovations of national and local support services. This mapping exercise provide the practical base for recommendations for innovative means of reaching out to victims and supporting them throughout this period. Knowledge and experience gained during the short period should be analysed together with the new needs of Member States to provide effective responses and measures during the post-pandemic period. In addition, it is requested to analyse potential future challenges to protection of women victims, especially looking at the threat of an economic recession.

Based on the information mapped by the contractor and collected by EIGE, the contractor is expected to focus on four (4) to six (6) Member States for an in depth analysis of their response to the challenge of protection during the pandemic. This in-depth study will focus on effective and innovative measures or exemplary provisions to protect women during the current lock-down and the aftermath of the pandemic. Based on all information collected recommendations for the EU and all MSs should be developed.

The study will contribute to more effective policies and services to limit the impact of pandemic and related actions, such as lock-down, and to support women victims of intimate partner violence and their children. The focus of this study will be intimate partner violence against women to distinguish it from other potential forms of domestic violence, as it is the most prevalent form.

Description of the procedure
This ex-ante publicity is the first stage of the negotiated procurement procedure through which EIGE may award the above-mentioned contract.
Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas 2020-05-19 16:00

Perkančioji organizacija European Institute for Gender Equality,

Nuoroda į šaltinį https://eige.europa.eu/procurement/eige-2020-oper-09


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