Non-life Insurance and Insurance of Persons for Nettalliansen's Owner Companies

Informacija apie pirkimą

02 - Contract notice
Competitive procedure with negotiation
2020-02-14 10:42 (GMT+02:00)
2020-03-06 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Willis Towers Watson AS Willis Towers Watson AS
Erik Nordby
Drammensvn 147 A
0213 Oslo

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Nettalliansen currently has approx. 40 owner companies, which together have approx. 300 000 network customers. This tender contest is for the owner companies that have energy production. The objective of the contract is to cover the owner companies' need for the following insurance services: Property insurance; including liability, interruption, property, machine and machine interruption, and vehicle. Insurance of persons; including occupational injury, accident, illness, group life, travel and health. Tenderers can register their interest and submit a tender for one or several of the insurance types described above. Participating owner companies: Hålogaland Kraft AS; Vang Energi KF; Fusa Kraftlag SA; Stryn Energi; Repvåg Kraftlag SA. Option companies: Tinn Energi AS; Hammerfest Energi AS; Dalane Energi AS; Stranda Energi; VOKKS AS; Andøy Energi AS; Trollfjord AS; Valdres Energiverk AS; Svorka Energi AS.

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