Invitation to Participate in a Market Dialogue Concerning Services Related to PCs and Equivalent Hardware

Informacija apie pirkimą

01 - Prior information notice
2019-10-08 10:43 (GMT+03:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Norsk Helsenett SF Norsk Helsenett SF
Marion Sydskjør Marion Sydskjør
Postboks 6123
7435 Trondheim
994 598 759

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Norsk Helsenett SF (hereafter called NHN) is responsible for PCs and associated hardware for the entire health administration, a total of 13 entities including ourselves. There are approx. 5 000 employees served by the services, approx. 6 500 PCs. NHN wants to invite the market to participate in a dialogue prior to the new procurement, to gain information about what is available/may be available for our future operation of this service. NHN wants to focus on a future-oriented, smooth and scalable service. Therefore, NHN wants to learn about alternative services and supply methods. The existing contract expires in September 2020, with the possibility of a six month extension. The tenderers are invited to participate in one to one dialogue meetings with NHN. Dialogue meetings will take place in Oslo and time has been set aside on 21.10.2019 and 22.10.2019. To register interest and receive more information, please contact Marion Sydskjør, Procurement consultant in the Norwegian Health Networki Norsk Helsenett

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