Framework Agreement for the Procurement of Goods and Services — eID

Informacija apie pirkimą

03 - Contract award notice
Atviras konkursas
2019-06-20 11:03 (GMT+03:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet
Trond Hansen Trond Hansen
Solheimsgata 21
2000 Skedsmo
911 830 868

✅✅✅ Norite gauti tokią informaciją kas rytą? Užpildykite anketą viršuje spausdami "IŠBANDYTI NEMOKAMAI" ✅✅✅

The objective of this competition is to get the most cost efficient procurement of a solution where we can issue eID to inmates for use with public services via the ID port. It is desirable to strengthen the business need for secure access. Inmates must only have one eID for logging in and signing for public services. Kriminalomsorgen [The Norwegian Correctional Service] invites tenderers to a tender contest with negotiations for an agreement with 1 supplier for the purchase of such a system.up to 2 dental clinics. The Norwegian Correctional Service wants tender offers for a complete solution.

Mercell Lithuania UAB

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