Metabolic Cages

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus (2)
Avoin menettely
21.9.2018 18.04 (GMT+03:00)
23.10.2018 13.00 (GMT+03:00)
16.10.2018 13.00 (GMT+03:00)


Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet
Marianne Eichertz Hansen Marianne Eichertz Hansen
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

This tender relates to the purchase of cages for metabolic, behavioral and physiological phenotyping of mice  (Metabolic cages).The). The cages will be implemented at the Biomedical laboratory at SDU, where they will be available for all research groups at SDU and Odense Universitetshospital (OUH) upon request and prior training. The metabolic cages will be purchased with the direct purpose of supporting the research in the newly established Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS) funded by the Danish National Research Foundation, andFoundation and be an integrated part of the research in the Functional Genomics & Metabolism Research Unit at SDU.


Tiedosto Koko
Annex 1- Specification of Requirements_Metabolic cages.docx 41 KB
Annex 1- Specification of Requirements_Metabolic cages.pdf 212 KB
Annex 2 Tender list - Metabolic cages.xlsx 21 KB
Annex 3 - Agreement - Metabolic cages.docx 74 KB
Annex 3 - Agreement - Metabolic cages.pdf 125 KB
Annex A - Declaration of support - metabolic cases.docx 41 KB
Tender specifications - Metabolic cages.docx 75 KB
Tender specifications - Metabolic cages.pdf 219 KB

Mercell Suomi Oy

Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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