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Vattenfall Wind A/S bundle the procurement process for 2 onshore projects in Denmark. The 2 projects currently bundled for the purpose of this project are Nørre Økse Sø and Nørrekjær Enge 2 located in the northern part of Jylland about 50 km west of Aalborg. The scope of delivery preliminary consist of 51 WTGs including a monopile foundation (MP) design, both certified, with options for service agreements (SA). The main scope with the WTGs/MPs is planned as a complete delivery including design, manufacturing, delivery, installation and commissioning. — Lot 1: wind farm Nørre Økse Sø, — Lot 2: wind farm Nørrekær Enge 2, — Lot 3: Combination of Lot 1 and Lot 2.