Voluntary ex ante transparency notice — expansion of K-Sim bridge simulator.

Hankinnan yleistiedot

Sopimuksen tekeminen ilman ennakkoon Euroopan unionin virallisessa lehdessä julkaistua tarjouskilpailukutsua jäljempänä luetelluissa tapauksissa (täyttäkää liite D1)
19.10.2017 10.28 (GMT+03:00)


Nordland fylkeskommune Nordland fylkeskommune
Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard
Prinsensgate 100
8048 Bodø


Nordland fylkeskommune 964982953 Prinsensgate 100 Bodø 8048 Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard +47 75545474 hjk@nfk.no https://permalink.mercell.com/74029632.aspx http://www.nfk.no/ Voluntary ex ante transparency notice — expansion of K-Sim bridge simulator. 17/17186 The contracting authority would like to enter into a contract for expanding/upgrading the K-Sim Polaris simulator to K-Sim Navigation. Lofoten Maritime Vocational College aims at expanding the functionality of the existing bridge simulator with fishery related operations on bridge. This expansion is based on the K-Sim Navigation as the simulator platform currently installed on our bridge simulators. The delivery primarily consists of software programs/licenses and to a small degree of hardware. 3800000.00 Gravdal. This procurement is planned to be carried out as a direct procurement as the Contracting Authority believes that there are legal grounds in this procurement to not hold a tender competition, cf. the Public Procurement Regulations § 13-1 (5) cf. § 13-4 b) 3. All software has been self-designed by Kongsberg Digital for K-Sim Navigation, navigation simulator. The tenderer has sole rights to source code and sole rights to commercial sale of software developed for K-Sim. Lofoten Maritime Vocational College has inquired whether other potential service providers can carry out the supply/service included in this contract. There is only one service provider in the market who delivers upgrading/expansion of Kongsberg K-Sim navigation simulators. The upgrading/expansion of the current navigation simulator delivered by Kongsberg Digital AS can only be delivered by the same service provider. The provision for signing a contract is thereby considered to be met. The notice is published in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations § 21-5. All software has been self-designed by Kongsberg Digital for K-Sim Navigation, navigation simulator. The tenderer has sole rights to source code and sole rights to commercial sale of software developed for K-Sim. Lofoten Maritime Vocational College has inquired whether other potential service providers can carry out the supply/service included in this contract. There is only one service provider in the market who delivers upgrading/expansion of Kongsberg K-Sim navigation simulators. The upgrading/expansion of the current navigation simulator delivered by Kongsberg Digital AS can only be delivered by the same service provider. The provision for signing a contract is thereby considered to be met. 2017-10-11 Kongsberg Digital AS 916 981 880 Drengsrudbekken 12 Asker 1383 3800000.00 Nordland fylkeskommune Fylkeshuset Bodø 8048 post@nfk.no www.nfk.no 2017-10-16

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:414909-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML

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