Electronic medicinal dispensers.

Hankinnan yleistiedot

Sopimuksen tekeminen ilman ennakkoon Euroopan unionin virallisessa lehdessä julkaistua tarjouskilpailukutsua jäljempänä luetelluissa tapauksissa (täyttäkää liite D1)
14.10.2017 10.23 (GMT+03:00)


Hamar kommune Hamar kommune
Harald Brovold Harald Brovold
Postboks 4063
2306 Hamar
970 540 008


Hamar kommune 970 540 008 Postboks 4063 Hamar 2306 Harald Brovold +47 99090558 harald.brovold@hamar.kommune.no http://www.hamar.kommune.no Electronic medicinal dispensers. 17/5475 Hamar municipality, together with Stange, Ringebu, Gran and Jevnaker municipalities intend to enter into a 2 years agreement for 70-110 medicinal dispensers. Option for the contracting authorities to extend the contract for 1 + 1 year Øyer municipality has an option to enter into the framework agreement for the delivery of 5 medicinal dispensers. When the 2 years contract period is expired the municipalities will carry out a new evaluation of the market before the option for extension of the framework agreement is put into effect. This will be with a view to possible competitive tendering. 4100000.00 Hedmark and Oppland, Norway. Hamar municipality, together with Stange, Ringebu, Gran and Jevnaker municipalities intend to enter into a 2 years agreement for 70-110 medicinal dispensers. Option for the contracting authorities to extend the contract for 1 + 1 year Øyer municipality has an option to enter into the framework agreement for the delivery of 5 medicinal dispensers. When the 2 years contract period is expired the municipalities will carry out a new evaluation of the market before the option for extension of the framework agreement is put into effect. This will be with a view to possible competitive tendering. The medicinal dispensers must have a number of necessary functionalities so that the desired gains are achieved. Security must be high in order to avoid and having to supplement with manual processes and corrections after erroneous use. The municipalities have examined the market for medicinal dispensers. Our conclusion so far is that it is only Evondos that can fulfil the requirements we have for medicinal dispensers for the service recipients in question. The system/medicinal dispenser shall have: Alarms for telephones in accordance with defined alarm call chains. The dispenser shall have a function for adding two multi-dose rolls for flexible refilling. The dispenser must have a possibility for adding multi-dose bags in connection with absence. The dispenser must have a function for notifying the service recipient by speech, text, sound and light. The dispenser must have battery back-up for power cuts. The dispenser must have a function to read date and time for medicating directly from the multi-dose bags. The dispenser must control if the correct multi-dose roll is put into the machine. The dispenser shall have a lockable container for medicinal that is not used. The system shall notify the service in connection with power failure or if the power cable is disconnected. The system shall have technical monitoring and support, with an option for remote control by the supplier in the event of an error. The system shall have personal login features for logging the persons who made the changes. Alarm call if the dispenser is exposed to damage or break-in attempts. Lockable container for medicines that are not taken at the correct time. The system shall have a log function. The service recipient shall be able to provide notifications on other medicines than those packed in multi-doses. A platform for administering the multi-dose dispenser that generates reports on compliance. The platform shall have secure login. The system shall have a monitor that can be used as a communication platform between operators in home based services and the user. The municipalities would like to inform the market and hereby gives a 14 day appeals deadline for the above. The deadline runs from the notice date in Doffin. The municipality ask suppliers who believe that there is no basis to make the procurement without following the ordinary announcement rules in the procurement regulations to make contact by the stated deadline. The contracting authorities have the option of a extension of the contract for 1+ 1 year. Øyer municipality has an option to enter into the framework agreement for the delivery of 5 medicinal dispensers. The municipalities have examined the market for medicinal dispensers. Our conclusion so far is that it is only Evondos that can fulfil the requirements we have for medicinal dispensers for the service recipients in question. The municipalities do not know of other suppliers who are able to deliver the systems in accordance with the municipalities requirements. The municipalities believe that the terms for the use of a Voluntary ex ante transparency notice in the public procurement regulations § 21-5 are fulfilled. 2017-10-10 Evondos AS 914212936 Gaustadalléen 21 Oslo 0349 4100000.00 Klagenemnda for offentlige anskaffelser Postboks 511 Sentrum Bergen 5805 +47 55597500 post@kofa.no +47 55597599 http://www.kofa.no/ Klagenemnda for offentlige anskaffelser Postboks 511 Sentrum Bergen 5805 +47 55597500 post@kofa.no +47 55597599 http://www.kofa.no/ 2017-10-12

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:408629-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML

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Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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