Tactical Air Navigation Stations (TACAN stations) and TACAN Flight Inspection System (TACAN FIS)

Hankinnan yleistiedot

17 - 17 - Hankintailmoitus puolustus- ja turvallisuusalalla tehdyistä hankintasopimuksista
14.3.2017 10.53 (GMT+02:00)
31.3.2017 14.00 (GMT+03:00)


Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse
Daniel Boye Lassen Daniel Boye Lassen
Lautrupbjerg 1
2750 Ballerup

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

The tender concerns the acquisition of 4 (four) fixed Tactical Air Navigation stations (TACAN stations) including Inital Spare Parts Packages and Training and 1 (one) TACAN Flight Inspection System including Training.

For air navigation purposes the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) plan to procure new fixed TACAN stations (ground beacon/transponder, antenna group and remote/control system) and TACAN FIS. 

The fixed TACAN stations are used by military aircrafts as a short-range navigation aid and as an airfield facility.

The TACAN FIS shall be used for making periodical flight inspections of the fixed TACAN stations, to make sure that they fulfill the NATO standard requirements. The TACAN FIS is operating on  RDAF Saab MFI T-17 Supporter aircraft.

This tender procedure concerns one contract notice divided into 2 (two) contract lots regarding 2 (two) separate Contracts with supporting Sustainment Contracts.

The terms and conditions stated in the Contracts are not identical, nor are the requirement specifications "Annexes A". They are specific for each contract lot. Each contract lot is therefor subject to their own contractual conditions further specified in the Contracts including Annexes and Sustainment Contracts including Appendices. 

The Suppliers will be responsible for the dismantling/installation, testing, training and setting to work for both the fixed TACAN stations and TACAN FIS.

For each contract lot, the Suppliers must be willing to provide a system support via a sustainment contract (framework agreement) for a period of 22 years. 


Tiedosto Koko
Prequalification questionnaire (PQQ) (Contract lot 1 or Contract lot 2).docx 62 KB

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