Invitation to dialogue regarding non-emergency transport in Stavanger, Sandnes og Randaberg.

Hankinnan yleistiedot

Ei käytettävissä
28.1.2017 10.22 (GMT+02:00)


Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Bernt Stian Vik Bernt Stian Vik
Hermetikken Tollbugata 7
9800 Vadsø
916 879 067

Lyhyt kuvaus

Hospital procurement trust published last year a competition regarding non-emergency patient transport in the municipalities Stavanger, Sandnes and Randaberg. Due to the lack of tender the competition was cancelled. Hospital procurement in collaboration with health Stavanger trust are now preparing a new tender competition.

We now wish to come into contact with suppliers who did not deliver a tender in the former competition, and would like to invite to individual meeting with on the 8th of February. Each meeting will have duration of approximately one hour.

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