Framework agreement: Strengthen business proficiencies and the network of Sami cultural industry parties.

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19.10.2016 10.34 (GMT+03:00)
2.12.2016 15.00


Samediggi/Sametinget (The Sami Parliament of Norway) Samediggi/Sametinget (The Sami Parliament of Norway)
Jørn Gunnar Olsen
Avjovargeaidnu 50
9730 Karasjok

Määräaika on umpeutunut

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The Sami Parliament invites tender offers on a framework agreement for external assistance to strengthen the business comprehension, collaboration and network of participants within Sami cultural industries.

The duration of the framework agreement will be three years, with start up on 1.3.2017 and completion 29.2.2020. We estimate the total value for the entire period will be 3 000 000 NOK excluding VAT.

The target group is Sami arts and cultural parties that have created businesses of their art and cultural expression. The requirement is 12 participants for each programme.

The background for the order.

The Sami community currently has many extremely skilful artists and cultural workers who create and design Sami art and culture. Some of that which characterises the Sami cultural industries branch is that it is driven by strong idealism and often with professional operation. Many of the parties have other professions aside of, or operate in combination with other businesses.

The challenge lies in strengthening the business ability of Sami cultural industries parties. The supplier for this project must meet this knowledge need, and the programme must be suitable for the special branch of cultural industries. Art and culture are a special area for the target group and they master it. The combination of art, culture and business ability could be considered to be a winning recipe

A similar programme was carried out during the period 2013-2016. The name of the programme is Dáhttu. The Sami Parliament wants to focus on development of Sami cultural industries parties. The Sami Parliament also wants to use the name Dáhttu in future initiatives. Dáhttu means to wish for, a will, something that is also considered a suitable name for future initiatives.

Requirement of ordering.

The Sami Parliament wants to strengthen the business proficiencies and network of Sami cultural industries parties. In this regard, the Sami Parliament wants to create a template on Dáhttu 1.0 and Dáhttu 2.0. By template we mean that via the programme, the supplier shall arrive at the ‘perfect’ programme. Dáhttu 1.0 builds on the basic business proficiencies. Dáhttu 2.0 is for those who want to further develop their cultural industries business, professionalise or internationalise their business.

During the contract period the following is anticipated:

- Carry out one (1) Dáhttu 1.0 programme.

- Carry out two (2) Dáhttu 2.0 programmes.

Dáhttu 1.0 contents.

Dáhttu 1.0 (one programme) consists of three assemblies. Each assembly consists of 1.5 days content.

The assembly in Dáhttu 1.0 shall consist of:

1. Assembly: Topics+ workshops + network building (1.5 days).

2. Assembly: Topics+ workshops + network building (1.5 days).

3. Assembly: Topics+ workshops + network building (1.5 days).

Dáhttu 2.0 contents.

The consultant shall give an account of how Dáhttu 2 shall be executed. It can either be in the form of assemblies or another approach.

In Dáhttu 2.0 participants will be selected amongst those who have executed Dáhttu 1, since 2013.

We also wish to offer each individual participant 30 hours consulting, for the participants in both Dáhttu 1.0 and Dáhttu 2.0.

Contents of the assemblies:

- Important disciplines we want covered are: Increase the business ability (economy, sales, market, analyse and profitability), knowledge about the customer and professionalism/quality.

- The Sami Parliament wants professional lecturers who ‘teach’ in their specialist field.

- Workshops related to the named specialist areas.

- Focus on collaboration possibilities and network building.

- It is expected that the content of the assemblies and workshops is facilitated for cultural industries businesses.

- The content shall be quality assured by The Sami Parliament before it is sent to the participants.

In prelude to the programme, the consultant shall prepare the following:

Registration form.

- An on-line registration form.

- The registration form — this shall provide the consultant with useful information about the need of each participant. This should help you to prepare content for each assembly.

- The consultant shall develop the candidate selection criteria.

- In the future, The Sami Parliament shall received an overview in Excel of all registered participants.

Evaluation form:

- An on-line evaluation form where the participants shall evaluate each assembly. The purpose is to know whether we are covering the participants needs.

- When all of the assemblies have been executed, The Sami Parliament want the evaluation forms from assemblies 1, 2 and 3 in Dáhttu 1.0 to be collated and handed over to us.

For the consulting sessions:

- Preparation of a plan on how the consultant shall contact the participants, motivate those who are not making sue of the sessions, dismiss/further plan for those who have used up their hours.

- The consultant shall prepare standard questions to the participants in advance. These shall be used in the consulting sessions. We want to do this so that the participants get more out of the consulting sessions.

The Sami Parliament wants to quality ensure (1) the registration forms and (2) the evaluation forms, (3) the selection criteria, (4) questions for the consulting sessions and (5) the plan for the execution of the consultancy prior to implementation.

The consultant shall perform the following:

Prior to the assemblies:

- Determine the locations and dates for the assemblies.

- Determine the hotel and give this information to the participants.

- Book suitable meeting premises.

- Take care of food and drinks during the assemblies in Dáhttu 1.0 (lunch two days and one dinner), fruit and coffee in the breaks), as well as food and drinks in Dáhttu 2.0.

- The participants shall pay a participant fee and travel expenses.

- Recruiting and selection of the participants. The tenderer is expected to actively recruit participants in the project.

During the assemblies:

- Ensure good execution of each assembly.

- Ensure that all of the participants get consulting sessions.

- Ensure that all participants fill out the evaluation form.

After the assemblies:

- Counselling of each participant.

- After each assembly, The Sami Parliament wants a written report from the consultant.

- Requirements of report content:

— Number of participants.

— Time, place, date.

— Content programme.

— Challenges.

— Improvement potential.

— Annex: Evaluation form from the participants.

— Shall be sent to The Sami Parliament after each assembly.

- Undertake economic transactions in connection with the programme.

In Finnmark, education and guidance shall also be executable in northern Sami as well as Norwegian.

Mercell Suomi Oy

Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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