Delivery of teaching aids to Sarpsborg kommune.

Hankinnan yleistiedot

Avoin menettely
20.9.2016 10.42 (GMT+03:00)
1.11.2016 12.00


Sarpsborg kommune [Sarpsborg municipality] Sarpsborg kommune [Sarpsborg municipality]
Rolf Gunnar Lo
Postboks 237
1702 Sarpsborg

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

This is an open tender tender competition on a framework agreement for the delivery of teaching aids to Sarpsborg kommune.

Tender offers should be submitted for the following product groups:

1. School books, including textbooks, teacher guides, exercise booklets, key and digital teaching aids that are part of the, subject booklets, key books, digital teaching resources which is a part of the textbook series..

Educational concretising material (not games or art materials) and teaching aids which allow for diversity in provision of learning styles and differentiation.

2. Fiction books, subject books, reference books and other non-fiction including audio-books and digital teaching resources.

3. Digital teaching aids, that do not come under category 1, i.e. That are not specifically connected to a textbook series, but are connected to work with competence goals in subjects.

The objective of the agreement is to ensure that the Contracting Authority in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, achieves a cost effective and rational purchase and consumption of teaching aids and simplifies the purchases and achieves a better overall economy.

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