15/16532 - Consultancy for CBA in the Nordic finer time resolution project

Hankinnan yleistiedot

101 - Tavarat ja palvelut arvosta
19.9.2016 9.57 (GMT+03:00)
26.9.2016 16.00 (GMT+03:00)


Energinet.dk Energinet.dk
Helle Junge Barløse Helle Junge Barløse
Tonne Kjærsvej 65
7000 Fredericia

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

The Nordic electricity markets and imbalance settlement currently have a resolution of 60 min. The Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are investigating how a 15 min resolution can be introduced. This is labelled finer time resolution

Introducing finer time resolution includes

• To change the imbalance settlement be-tween the TSOs and the Balance Responsible Parties (BRPs)

• To introduce an option for market players to trade quarterly products

• Identify and evaluate implementation process incl. potential need for intermediate steps

The Nordic TSOs have initiated a project that will investigate the costs and benefits of implementing 15 min resolution. The project has conducted a high-level feasibility study of different concepts for implementing finer time resolution. Based on the study some concepts have been selected for further investigation in a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). The CBA must include an evaluation of IT, market, and op-erational aspects. Further, the CBA should not only consider the TSOs, but also include stakeholders. The CBA must provide an overview of the consequences for the Nordics as a whole, as well as for the individual countries. The CBA methodology must take into account that not all benefits can necessarily be monetized. The consultant is expected to have experience with this type of CBA and be able to provide guidance on the methodology.

The Nordic TSOs wish to engage a consultant to support the work on the CBA as well as assist with project management related tasks. The con-sultant will mainly work from his/her own office, but is expected to participate in project meetings and travel within the Nordics can therefore be expected. The project is expected to be concluded primo 2017.

The tender is performed by Energinet.dk on behalf of all four Nordic TSOs: Svenska kraftnät, Statnett, Fingrid, and Energinet.dk

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