Procurement services — framework agreements building automation and Central Operations control system for Forsvarsbygg utleie (The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, Hire).

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19.2.2016 10.28 (GMT+02:00)
30.3.2016 12.00
29.3.2016 12.00


Forsvarsbygg Innkjøpstjenester [The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, the Procurement services] Forsvarsbygg Innkjøpstjenester [The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, the Procurement services]
Bjarne Ryvoll
6. divisjonsgate 12
9406 Harstad

Määräaika on umpeutunut

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The purpose of the framework agreements is to comply with Forsvarsbygg utleie's (The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, Hire's) requirement for services within control, maintenance, operation and necessary upgrading of the existing building automation and Central Operations control systems.

The framework agreements shall also include procurements of entirely new building automation and Central Operations control systems, but with a restriction for Forsvarsbygg utleie to publish separate procurements with a value higher than 500 000 NOK, excluding VAT as a separate procurement in a different agreement.

The contract owner of the framework agreement concept is Forsvarsbygg utleie. Property administration and administration of the agreement will be through utleie in connection with procurement services.

All departments included in the Norwegian Defence Estate Agency's organisation can use the agreement within given geographical areas.

The framework agreement can also be used by the entire Norwegian armed forces, i.e. all departments that are included in or under the Royal Ministry of Defence, and which manage and operate their own buildings in the stated geographical areas. The tenderer shall submit tenders in accordance with division of the competitive areas, see division in Section I)

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The procurement of framework agreements is divided into several competitive areas. The tenderers are allowed to submit 1 or several separate tenders for the geographically stated tender areas and locations, including associated services on all building automation systems and Central Operations Control systems in the given area. C.f. the table stated below.

Tenderers who are awarded framework agreements for individual competitive areas will have exclusivity to future deliveries of services within each competitive area, in other words only 1 agreement will be awarded within each area, also note that no parallel framework agreements will be entered into.

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