Replacement of the Patient Signalling Installations in Sørreisa Nursing Home.

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Avoin menettely
9.9.2015 11.06 (GMT+03:00)
2.10.2015 12.00


Sørreisa kommune Sørreisa kommune
Tor Langnes Tor Langnes
Storveien 20
9310 Sørreisa
940 755 603

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

The existing patient signalling installations shall be replaced at Sørreisa nursing home including housing for old people/persons with dementia. The new installations shall have the same basic equipment. Extra functionality is included as options. The existing courses shall be used as far as possible. Any cable replacements shall be included as separate items in the description. Constructional auxiliary work shall be included in the tender.

Mercell Suomi Oy

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