Wave generator and towing carriage

Hankinnan yleistiedot

Avoin menettely
6.2.2015 19.02 (GMT+02:00)
23.3.2015 13.00 (GMT+02:00)


Høgskolen i Bergen Høgskolen i Bergen
Tone-Lise Osnes Tone-Lise Osnes
Postboks 7030
5020 Bergen

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

The Department of Mechanical- and Marine Engineering at Bergen University College has a MarinLab, which consists of a 50-m long towing tank built in concrete in the basement of the new building. This statement requests the design of a new wave maker and a towing carriage to be installed in the already available concrete basin. The tender request includes two systems. The suppliers can provide offers for one or for both systems.

Mercell Suomi Oy

Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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