Snow Blowers for use in Greenland

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus
Avoin menettely
20.1.2015 15.43 (GMT+02:00)
17.2.2015 9.00 (GMT+02:00)
3.2.2015 13.00 (GMT+02:00)


Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse
Morten Jacobsen Morten Jacobsen

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

This tender concerns 3 Snow Blowers and 3 options for 1 additional Snow Blower. The Snow Blowers are to be used on bases located on the northern part of Greenland. The north most base, "Station Nord", is placed at 81°36N - 16°40W, and has a 1.800 m long and 60 m wide runway. Since the runway is the only way to have freight and personnel transported to Station Nord, the runway is open 365 days a year. Due to the location, and the logistic challenges this entail, it must be possible to store a spare parts kit locally to keep the Snow Blower in operation. Therefore it is desirable to keep the complexibility of the machinery at a minimum. During the winter, the station can be isolated, without the possibility of any supply of materials and spareparts, for several months, but it does not change the fact, that the station needs the capacity to clear the runway in case of emergencies 365 days a year.


Forsvarets Vagt Mestersvig is located 1000 kilometers south of Station Nord, but similar arctic weather conditions exist at this location. Therefore the same requirements apply to the Snow Blower at Forsvarets Vagt Mestersvig as for the Snow Blowers at Station Nord.


The Snow Blowers will work in areas, where no light poles are present. The only light source when clearing snow, will be the working lamps mounted on the Snow Blowers. The number and placement of working lamps, as well as possibility of dimming during snowstorms (to avoid "blinding") is important.


Internet connection is not present at Station Nord, but for support of the Snow Blower, communication through SATCOM is a possibility (phone calls and small data packages with sizes below 500 kB). A very limited bandwidth is present at Forsvarets Vagt Mestersvig, however, only small data packages can be sent.


The climate is extreme, where temperature in the winter drops to -50°C with winds up to 30 m/s. Due to this, the ejection chute must be placed behind the operators cabin. Even though the windscreen and windows are heated, experience show, that the windscreen and windows will be covered with ice if the ejection chute is placed in front of the cabin.

Due to the strong winds, the snow is very dense, hard and heavy. The measured snow densities at Station Nord and Forsvarets Vagt Mestersvig, lies in the range from 150 kg/m3 to 600 kg/m3. As the density increases, the snow gradually becomes harder, with properties close to solid ice.


Because of the location of the bases, only military aviation jet-fuel (JP-8) is available on the airbases, and the engine in the Snow Blower must be able to run on both jet-fuel (JP-8) as well as diesel fuel, arctic grade.


Tiedosto Koko
Enclosure 1 - Cover Letter.docx 35 KB
Enclosure 2-5.docx 55 KB
Enclosure 6 - Evaluation model.docx 24 KB
Solemn declaration.docx 76 KB
Acquisition Contract - Acquisition of Snow Blowers.docx 205 KB
Annex A - Requirements specification.docx 72 KB
Annex AA.1 - GFX.docx 58 KB
Annex AA.2. - 171 KB
Annex B - The Suppliers technical proposal submitted at tender stage.docx 61 KB
Annex E - End-User conditions.docx 62 KB
Annex F - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) requirements.docx 71 KB
Annex G - DALO's overall requirements to the standards of education and training.docx 70 KB
Annex H - The suppliers outline education and training programme.docx 62 KB
Annex I - Initial package of Spare Parts and Other items.docx 65 KB
Annex J - Outline Certificate of conformity.docx 66 KB
Annex L - The Suppliers Risk Management Strategy.docx 61 KB
Annex N - Quality Requirements Quality Management and Quality Assurance.docx 67 KB
Annex O - DALOs requirements for testing and acceptance test procedures.docx 73 KB
Annex P - Suppliers Outline Test Management Plan and Outline Acceptance Test Procedures.docx 62 KB
Annex Q - Standards of packaging and labeling the Deliverables for transport.docx 63 KB
Annex R.1 - Specific NATO Codification and implementation information.docx 64 KB
Annex R.2 - Codification data (form).xlsx 38 KB
Annex T - Outline Payment Bond.docx 66 KB
Annex U - Outline Performance Certificate.docx 63 KB
Annex V - Guide to Time Schedule and Milestones.docx 56 KB
Annex V.2 - Time Schedule and Milestones.docx 30 KB
Annex W - Fixed price and breakdown into categories.docx 71 KB
Annex X - Schedule of Payments.docx 155 KB
Annex Z - Framework Agreement regarding sustainment of Snow Blowers.docx 152 KB
Appendix A.1 - Requirements specification - Services.docx 64 KB
Appendix A.2 - Requirments specification.docx 73 KB
Appendix B - CSR requirements.docx 76 KB
Appendix C 1 - The Supplier's tender (Services).docx 74 KB
Appendix C.2 - The Supplier's tender (Spare Parts).xlsx 67 KB
Appendix D - The Supplier's prices - Services.docx 78 KB
Appendix E - Specific NATO codification and implementation information.docx 73 KB
Appendix E.1 - NATO Codification form.xlsx 55 KB
Appendix F - Standards of packaging and labeling.docx 69 KB
Appendix G - Termination due to violation of the public procurement rules.docx 68 KB
Appendix H - The Buyer's delivery time requirements for Services.docx 69 KB
Appendix I - Outline Work and Services Report.docx 64 KB
Special Appendix 01 - Quality requirements, quality management and quality assurance.docx 70 KB
Special Appendix 04 - The Buyer's right of repair and further development.docx 71 KB
Special Appendix 06 - Export, import and end-user certificate.docx 70 KB
Special Appendix 08 - Intellectual property rights.docx 70 KB
Special Appendix 13 - Price adjustment.docx 151 KB
Special Appendix 14 - Documentation requirements.docx 73 KB
Instructions to tenderers - Public procedure - Snow Blowers for use in Greenland.docx 110 KB

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Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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