Consultancy Services for Business Environment Strengthening for Tanzania (BEST) - Dialogue Programme, 2014-2019.

Hankinnan yleistiedot

Avoin menettely
19.6.2014 5.26 (GMT+03:00)


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida
Christina June Jensen Christina June Jensen
Asiatisk Plads 2
1448 Copenhagen K


BEST-dialogue succeeds two phases of the BEST-AC facility for business advocacy and dialogue. This third phase will span five years, beginning in July 2014 and concluding in June 2019.

BEST-dialogue (2014-2019) will contribute to the business community's efforts to make Tanzania's business environment more conducive to sustainable private sector growth. BEST-dialogue will work with the private sector and other strategic non-state actors to complement the role of the Government of Tanzania in improving the business environment. It will help the business community to design and implement advocacy campaigns and to participate in Public Private Dialogue (PPD) in a more informed and professional manner. Furthermore, BEST-dialogue will support a range of activities within e.g. media and research that contribute to building a broader vision and consensus for private sector-led growth.

The purpose of BEST-dialogue is to improve the business environment through more inclusive and effective public-private dialogue. It will support the production of quantifiable evidence that will be used to inform advocacy and dialogue, while improving the skills and management of these processes within the business community. BEST-dialogue will bolster the efforts of Private Sector Organizations (PSOs) to engage in public discussions concerning the Tanzanian business environment and the importance of private sector-led growth.

BEST-dialogue will have four main outcomes as shown below:

1. The advocacy and Dialogue fund: PSOs and CSOs have influenced public policy through effective dialogue and advocacy.

— BEST-dialogue will continue to provide grants to PSOs and will extend these to CSOs. Increasing attention will be given to improving the quality of the research conducted by beneficiaries and the advocacy strategies and dialogue processes that follow.

2. Capacity Building: PSOs, CSOs & MDAs have improved their ability to undertake dialogue and advocacy.

— BEST-dialogue will intensify the non-financial support provided to its grant recipients and partners, through the provision of a four-tiered suite of support services designed to make PSOs more capable, credible and sustainable.

3. Communications and Media: The media have shown understanding of the importance of a positive business environment and have given appropriate coverage to enabling business environment issues.

— In an effort to support a broader vision for reform across the business community and to encourage greater public debate on the importance of sustainable, private sector-led growth, BEST-dialogue will work with the media, journalists, and members of Parliament, in collaboration with its private sector and civil society partners.

4. Research and Knowledge Management: Education, training and research on business and investor concerns influence the ways public policy for business is formulated and revised.

In order to ensure its impact is greater than the sum of its funded projects, BEST-dialogue will undertake a series of activities designed to strategically link and synthesise the research that it funds and will support the development of skills and coalitions that can be used to stimulate and guide reform processes.

The Consultant will be responsible for the effective implementation of the BEST-dialogue.

The contract is expected to commence 1.7.2014.

Please note that if the winning bid is a company registered outside of Tanzania and has no presence in Tanzania, the Companies Act of Tanzania requires that it must register a branch within 30 days of its presence in Tanzania or establish a local company.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: DC 3148

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received: 4

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

E-mail: Telephone: Internet address: COWI A/S, Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, DENMARK, +45 56400000,

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