Tender for construction of fire fighting vehicles

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus
Avoin menettely
13.2.2014 16.14 (GMT+02:00)
17.3.2014 15.00 (GMT+02:00)


Beredskabsstyrelsen Beredskabsstyrelsen
Mikkel Bjerregaard Jensen Mikkel Bjerregaard Jensen

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

The Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA)is calling for tenders for framework agreements divided into 3 lots for operational use and for teaching purposes for the entire Danish fire and rescue service. The tender conditions specify terms and guidelines for these.

Lot 1 - Construction of fire engine, DS/EN 1846, medium, categories 1 and 2

Lot 2 - Construction of fire engine (5,000 litre), DS/EN 1846, super, categories 1 and 2

Lot 3 - Construction of water tender, DS/EN 1846, super, categories 1 and 2

The chassis will be purchased and supplied by the contracting entity and, therefore, is not included in the call for tenders. 

The framework agreement is not exclusive and does not contain terms for minimum supply to the Danish Emergency Management Agency or customers placing orders under the agreement.
The contract will last two years and stipulates an option of two one-year extensions, and a total extension of two years at most. 

The Danish Emergency Management Agency is responsible for and will implement the tender process on behalf of all customers and is the contracting authority.

The Danish Emergency Management Agency and all other authorities under the Danish Ministry of Defence may place orders via the framework agreements.
The Danish municipal fire and rescue services, which have confirmed to the Danish Emergency Management Agency that they wish to place orders via the framework agreements tendered by the Danish Emergency Management Agency, are original parties to the framework agreement and are permitted to order via this framework agreement. The municipal fire and rescue services that have confirmed that they wish to be customers are listed in appendix 8. Customers will have to place orders independently via the agreement.


Tämä kilpailutus on jaettu osiin. Valitse sinua kiinnostava osa tutustuaksesi tarjouspyyntöön liitteineen.


Tiedosto Koko
Tender Conditions.pdf 516 KB
Appendix 6 - Declaration of honour.docx 24 KB
Appendix 7 - Form for financial ratios.docx 21 KB
Appendix 4 - Acceptance Certificate for specification of chassis.pdf 95 KB
Appendix 5 - Acceptance Certificate.pdf 89 KB
Appendix 3 - Requesters under the Framework Agreement.pdf 229 KB

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