Evaluation of Danish Strategy for Support to Civil Society in Developing Countries.

Hankinnan yleistiedot

Rajoitettu menettely
17.10.2012 5.13 (GMT+03:00)


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida
Hans Hvitved Hans Hvitved
Asiatisk Plads 2
1448 Copenhagen K


In 2008 an updated version of Danida’s ‘Strategy for Danish Support to Civil Society in Developing Countries’ (hereinafter called the Strategy) was launched, with the overarching objective of contributing to ‘the development of a strong, independent and diversified civil society in developing countries’. The Strategy includes nine strategic goals guiding the scope and type of Danish support to promote the overall objective.The Strategy places emphasis on supporting the capacity development of civil society organisations and on promoting advocacy work.

When the Strategy was launched in late 2008 it was decided that the implementation of the Strategy should be evaluated in 2012. Danida's Evaluation Department now wishes to commission that evaluation. The evaluation is expected to apply the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria.

A Pre-study for the evaluation of the Strategy commissioned by the Evaluation Department and completed in May 2012 found that:

— Danish support for civil society is delivered through a number of Danida Departments at HQ level and through various decentralised representations using a range of disbursement “modalities”,

— Danish Bilateral funding for the support of civil society totalled 2.18 billion DKK in 2011, with a total of 6.97billion DKK disbursed between 2009 and 2011 since the publication of the Civil Society Strategy,

— The greatest level of CSO funding is distributed to countries in Africa,

— The majority of Danish support to CS captured by the Pre-study is channelled through Danish based organisations with approximately 70 % of this being channeled directly through 109 Danish NGOs. An estimated15 % is channeled directly through 349 NGOs and CSOs based in developing countries. Finally, an estimated10 % of support is channeled through international NGOs.

The overall purpose of the evaluation is lesson learning from the operationalisation of the Danish strategy for support to civil society with a particular focus on results relating to Strategic Goal 2 (Promotion of a representative, legitimate and locally based civil society) and Strategic Goal 3 (Promotion of capacity development, advocacy work and networking opportunities). The evaluation will document what has worked well and less well in the achievement of the results and thereby inform decision-making on future Danish support to civil society in the South.

The evaluation shall explore the strategic choices made in operationalising the Strategy at three different levels:a) Overall strategy level b) Country level c) Organisational level.

To do this, the evaluation shall include a broader assessment of the portfolio based primarily on existing secondary documentation as well as an in-depth assessment of how the operationalization of the Strategy has taken place at country level and which results have been generated with support from Denmark as far as promoting a stronger, more independent and diverse civil society is concerned. The primary focus of the evaluation is thus expected to be on civil society organisations and development in the developing countries.It is envisaged that field works will be conducted in two selected countries (possibly Uganda and Nepal).

The Contract for the evaluation assignment includes an option for evaluation of further progress with respect to the implementation of the strategy in 2014-15. The decision on whether to make use of this option rests with the Client.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: DC 3116

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received: 4

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

E-mail: Telephone: Internet address: Fax: INTRAC in joint venture with Tana Copenhagen and Indevelop, Oxbridge Court, Osney Mead, OX2 0ES Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM, info@intrac.org +44 1865201851, www.intrac.org +44 1865201852

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