Identification and formulation of Danish contribution to the Team Europe Initiative On Transboundary Water Mangement in Africa

Hankinnan yleistiedot

101 - Tavarat ja palvelut arvosta
Rajoitettu menettely
23.1.2023 16.28 (GMT+02:00)
1.2.2023 15.00 (GMT+02:00)


Udenrigsministeriet Udenrigsministeriet
Ninna Katrine Sanden
Asiatisk Plads 2
1448 København K

Määräaika on umpeutunut

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The purpose of the assignment is twofold: 1) to identify possible implementing partners, thematic and geographic focus of the Danish contribution to the TEI-TWM, and 2) facilitate and formulate the project documentation as required by the Danida Aid Management Guidelines for the approval of the project by the Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy. The estimated input of the contract is 50 working days with at maximum budget of DKK 414.500. The assignment is expected to be concluded by October 2023.

The project will be part of a Team Europe Initiative on Transboundary Water Management in Africa with the objective to enhance transboundary water management to support development and regional integration. The TEI provides a framework for coordinated action between EU Member States and EU institutions, with the African Union Commission and its Member States, the African Ministers' Council on Water, the African Network of Basin Organisations and African Regional Economic Communities. TEI investments will support large-scale projects in Africa to deliver tangible benefits at continental, regional/basin, and national levels.

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by e-mail to the contact person stated below.

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