Qualification scheme - User-controlled personal assistance (Norwegian: BPA) for user in Vestnes municipality - free user choice

Hankinnan yleistiedot

21 - Sosiaalipalvelut ja muut erityispalvelut – hankintasopimukset (21)
Rajoitettu menettely
23.1.2023 10.25 (GMT+02:00)
17.1.2033 23.59


Vestnes kommune Vestnes kommune
Ørjan Flisnes
6390 Vestnes

Lyhyt kuvaus

The objective of the qualification scheme is to make it possible for users of user-administered personal assistance services to actually be able to choose which supplier they would like to carry out the services they choose (user choice) The service shall also ensure that the users are provided the assistance they are granted, in accordance with the Act relating to the municipal health services. Admission to the qualification system does not apply to Public Procurement Regulations. The contract award however, shall be in accordance with the basic requirements in the EEA agreement regarding a non-discrimination, objective, transparency and accountability process Admission to the system requires that the service providers must comply with the terms in the qualification documentation. Tenderers that fulfil the terms can and are obliged to offer these services to the municipality's inhabitants.

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Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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