(2022-VKJ-213) Long-term loan service

Hankinnan yleistiedot

7.11.2022 16.53 (GMT+02:00)
8.11.2022 0.00 (GMT+02:00)


Ignitis UAB Ignitis UAB
Gintarė Valečkienė Gintarė Valečkienė
Žvejų g. 14
LT-09310 Vilnius

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

Good morning,
UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė which is the part of Ignitis group (hereinafter – VKJ or Borrower) seeks a loan to refinance the European investment bank loan of EUR 140,000,000 and to finance capital investments needed for finishing the biofuel unit (up to EUR 80,000,000). The total amount of needed financing is up to EUR 220,000,000.
VKJ would like to invite you to submit a binding tender on the following long-term credit facility:
  • The amount of up to EUR 220,000,000
  • 10 years tenor
  • Variable interests (3 months EURIBOR plus the Margin)
  • Security: pledge of all Borrower‘s tangible fixed assets.
You will find the term sheet for this facility attached.
Please note that a binding proposal should be submitted before Monday 7 November end of the business day.

If you have any technical questions about the Mercell system, please contact the customer service manager Vainius Danišauskas, tel: +370 67388 676, e-mail vada@mercell.com
Have a nice day!

Gintarė Valečkienė


Tiedosto Koko
Annex 1. Tender offer_for full price loan_VKJ.xlsx 13 KB
Annex 2. VKJ_term-sheet_full price.docx 29 KB
Annex 4. Know Your Business Partner Questionnaire.docx 65 KB
Procurement conditions_for VKJ loan.docx 25 KB
Annex 3. VKJ Wte and biomass CHP.pptx 17,77 MB

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