Framework agreement - service and maintenance of on/off cooling and heat pump installations, as well as consultancy services.

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus (2)
Avoin menettely
1.4.2022 11.22 (GMT+03:00)
5.5.2022 12.00


Oslo kommune v/ Oslobygg KF Oslo kommune v/ Oslobygg KF
Marit Nygaard
Grenseveien 78C
0661 Oslo

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

Oslobygg KF would like to enter into a framework agreement with one tenderer for the service and maintenance of on/off cooling and heat pump installations; also including associated consultancy services. The contracting authority's portfolio in the area includes ice installations of varying degrees and sizes, as well as some other installations. The framework agreement will at first cover the installations that are included in the contracting authority's portfolio at any one time. The portfolio consists of, amongst other things, CO2, freon, and ammoniac installations. The assignment will consist of both ad-hoc acute assignments and planned annual service reviews of the installations. The expected value of the framework agreement is estimated to be NOK 3 million - NOK 5 million a year. Conditions can appear in the framework agreement that can lead to further use of the framework agreement; total up to NOK 30 million for the four-year period. The estimate is very uncertain as it depends on the ongoing need as well as annual grants.

Mercell Suomi Oy

Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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