Service concession for the provision of user controlled personal assistance (BPA) for Risør municipality

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus (2)
Rajoitettu menettely
15.2.2022 10.43 (GMT+02:00)
10.4.2032 12.00


Risør kommune Risør kommune
Camilla. Nilsen
Postboks 158
4952 Risør

Lyhyt kuvaus

The contracting authority invites tenderers to apply for an award of concession for the provision of assistance hours in the user controlled personal assistance scheme for selected users in the municipality. The user controlled personal assistance scheme (Norwegian abbreviation: BPA) is pursuant to the Act on municipal health and care services (the Health and Care Services Act) §3-8, c.f. §3-2 first paragraph no. 6 letter b. Decisions on the user-controlled personal assistance (Norwegian abbreviation: BPA) services for individuals will be made by the municipality after the reception of an ordinary application.

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