Lot 3 - Procedure packages

Hankinnan yleistiedot

8.10.2021 14.15 (GMT+03:00)
8.11.2021 11.00 (GMT+02:00)
25.10.2021 1.00 (GMT+03:00)


Rigspolitiet Rigspolitiet
Christina Serritzlew Grønholt Christina Serritzlew Grønholt
Polititorvet 14
1567 København V

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

The products/kits included in lot 3 Procedure packages are used for securing evidence from personal examinations, crime scene investigations and for the collection of evidence from effects that subsequently will be examined at laboratories and institutions.
This lot concerns delivery of completely packed procedure packages with specified items.


Tiedosto Koko
Appendix 1 Requirements_Lot 3.pdf 407 KB
Appendix 1A Supplier's description_Lot 3.docx 33 KB
Appendix 2 Prices_Lot 3.xlsx 25 KB
Appendix 3 Invoicing_Lot 3.pdf 114 KB
Appendix 4 Sustainable procurement_Lot 3.pdf 197 KB
Appendix 5 List of Requesting Parties_Lot 3.pdf 119 KB
Appendix 6 Sub-Suppliers_Lot 3.pdf 26 KB
Appendix 7 Questions and answers_Lot 3.pdf 26 KB
Appendix 8 Letter of support from the procurement documents_Lot 3.pdf 26 KB
Framework Agreement - Lot 3.pdf 622 KB

Hankinta-asiakirjat (Päähankintailmoitus)

Tiedosto Koko
Appendix A1 Evaluation - Lot 1.pdf 778 KB
Appendix A2 Evaluation - Lot 2.pdf 433 KB
Appendix A3 Evaluation - Lot 3.pdf 938 KB
Appendix B Additional information.pdf 547 KB
Appendix C Tender letter.docx 28 KB
Appendix D List of samples.pdf 503 KB
Tender specifications.pdf 603 KB

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Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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