The purpose of the procurement process is to cover the Procuring Entity’s need for third rail components for the Oslo Metro network.
As most of the purchases and planned maintenance/overhaul projects are financed by Public Authorities, it is a bit difficult to be too specific of the amount to be bought over the period of this frame-agreement, therefore it could be more than expected as of today. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the budget plans are a bit delayed so there will be earlier volumes following contract signing, but planned volumes as of now is the following:
New track from Majorstua to Fornebu (Fornebubanen) planned purchase 2024-2026: 20 300 metres.
Historically, the Procuring Entity has purchased third rail components for between EUR 500.000- 1.000.000, - annually on average. The value may differ from year to year.
Contract duration will be four years with options for prolongation for two + two years.