Storstrømsbroen Nedrivning - Markedsdialog

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14.4.2021 10.48 (GMT+03:00)
3.5.2021 0.55 (GMT+03:00)


Vejdirektoratet Vejdirektoratet
Niels Juels Gade 13
1022 København K

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Storstrømsbroen Nedrivning - Markedsdialog

The Danish Road Directorate (DRD) is building a new Storstrøm Bridge. When the new bridge is finished, the 3.2 km long existing Storstrøm Bridge from 1937 will have to be demolished. The purpose of the market dialogue is to get familiar with the supplier market and gather information for the procurement strategy. This is a written market dialogue where DRD has listed a series of questions within the following themes: 1) Procurement, 2) Demolition methods, 3) Sustainability, 4) Resources and waste treatment, 5) CSR, 6) H&S, 7) Digital solutions.

This market dialogue is a separate process from the upcoming tender which is expected to be announced in 2023. As a potential supplier you are not obliged to attend this dialogue if you plan to tender.

To participate in this dialogue, you must download the two documents: “1. Demolition of Storstrøm Bridge. Market Dialogue, Information for Potential Suppliers” and “2. Demolition of Storstrøm Bridge. Market Dialogue, Questions for Potential Suppliers”. The first document provides you with information about the process of the market dialogue and enough information about the project to answer the questions in document 2.

The answers must be submitted to, with a copy to no later than 2th of May 2021. Submissions may be in Danish or English. Additional documentation may be submitted as attachment to the questionnaire, under the conditions that the answers in the questionnaire contain a clear cross-reference to attached documentation.

Udbudsdato (dd-mm-åååå)


Frist (dd-mm-åååå tt:mm)

02-05-2021 23:55


Ditte Dahl Mathiasen,

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Mercell Suomi Oy

Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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