Occupational Health Service for the New Vestland fylkeskommune [Municipality]

Hankinnan yleistiedot

03 - Ilmoitus tehdystä sopimuksesta (3)
Avoin menettely
2.10.2019 10.43 (GMT+03:00)


Sogn og fjordane fylkeskommune Sogn og fjordane fylkeskommune
Katrine Wilson Katrine Wilson
Fylkeshuset, Askedalen 2
6863 Leikanger
941 388 841


The competition is published in accordance with part IV of the regulations. The purpose of this competition is to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of occupational health services for Vestland fylkeskommune [Vestland County]. In accordance with the Working Environment Act §3-3 and ‘the regulations regarding organisation, management and contribution’ Chapter 13, the sixth form colleges and dental clinics must have an established occupational health service.

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