Articel 32 Thermal Camera

Hankinnan yleistiedot

15 - Vapaaehtoista ennakkoavoimuutta (ex ante) koskeva ilmoitus (15)
Neuvottelumenettely ilman edeltävää tarjouskilpailukutsua
26.6.2019 11.05 (GMT+03:00)


Aalborg Universitet Aalborg Universitet
Morten Denaa Morten Denaa
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7F
9220 Aalborg Øst


Aalborg University Department of Energy Technology needs to purchase a high resolution cooled Infrared thermal camera within the XPower project. The camera is to be used for thermal characterization of power electronic components and converters with a very high resolution of 1280x1024 pixels and a minimum frame rate speed of 100 Hz. The high resolution is required to investigate the failures on semiconductor chips and packaging of power electronic components. Also the speed should be at least 100 Hz to capture at least 2 frames at the fundamental frequency of 50 Hz. This camera should come with a microscopic lens that can provide a 3-5 microns spectral band. At the moment, the only camera in the market that can provide the aforementioned specifications is FLIE X8501sc. Furthermore the camera should compatible with existing camera software.

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