Digitization of 1/4" audio tapes

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus (2)
Avoin menettely
25.6.2019 11.28 (GMT+03:00)
25.7.2019 12.00


Peter Roepstorff Peter Roepstorff
Emil Holms Kanal 20
0999 Copenhagen

Määräaika on umpeutunut

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With this EU-Tender DR will digitize a large collection of ¼” audio tapes. The collection consists of estimated 152 000-188 000 tapes containing 60 000-75 000 hours of recordings; mainly published material. The project consists of barcoding, packing, transporting, digitizing and destroying the audio tapes after the digitalization. DR’s large collection of ¼" audio tapes must be digitized to preserve it as a cultural heritage. The collection consists mainly of published material. Also, DR’s archive located at TV Byen, Søborg, Denmark, needs to be vacated by 1.3.2020. In order to store the remaining DR collections at DR’s main facility at DR Byen, Copenhagen, Denmark, the ¼” audio tape collection needs to be migrated to digital format and the physical carriers discarded. This needs to be done without loss of media essence or metadata.

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