Blisterpakkemaskin for medikamenter til Sykehusapotekene

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus (2)
Avoin menettely
11.5.2019 15.20 (GMT+03:00)
14.6.2019 13.00 (GMT+03:00)


Anne Cecilie Sæther Terje William Bisseth
Postboks 40
Tollbugata 7

9811 VADSØ

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

Anskaffelse av blisterpakkemaskin for medikamenter til Sykehusapotekene i Helse sør øst. 


Tiedosto Koko
Part I - Annex 1 Proposal letter.docx 31 KB
Part I - Annex 2 Declaration of commitment subcontractor.docx 27 KB
Part I - Annex 4 Public access to proposal documents.docx 27 KB
Part I - Tender documents (invitation to tender).pdf 429 KB
Part II - K Appendix 1 Customer requirement specification.pdf 675 KB
Part II - K Appendix 2 Contractor description of the deliverables.docx 142 KB
Part II - K Appendix 3 Customer technical platform.pdf 600 KB
Part II - K Appendix 4 Delivery date and other deadlines.pdf 473 KB
Part II - K Appendix 5 Approval test.pdf 364 KB
Part II - K Appendix 6 Administrative provisions.docx 35 KB
Part II - K Appendix 7 Total price and pricing provisions.docx 44 KB
Part II - K Appendix 8 Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 32 KB
Part II - K Appendix 9 Changes to the conclusion of Agreement.pdf 185 KB
Part II - K Appendix 10 Licence terms and conditions for standard and free software.docx 30 KB
Part II - SSA-K Purchase Agreement (2018).pdf 938 KB
Part III - SSA-V Maintenance Agreement (2018).pdf 942 KB
Part III - V Appendix 1 Customer requirements specification.pdf 693 KB
Part III - V Appendix 2 Contractor solution specification.docx 98 KB
Part III - V Appendix 5 SL with standardised price reductions.pdf 391 KB
Part III - V Appendix 6 Administrative provisions.docx 37 KB
Part III - V Appendix 7 Total price and pricing provisions.docx 42 KB
Part III - V Appendix 8 Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 32 KB
Part III - V Appendix 9 Changes to the conclusion Agreemt.pdf 117 KB
Part III - V Appendix 10 Third party's terms and conditions.docx 33 KB

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