IT Operation, Procurement and Maintenance


03 - Contract award notice
Competitive procedure with negotiation
25.01.2019 10:32 (GMT+02:00)


Nye Veier Nye Veier
Ruben Ramsland
Tangen 76
4608 Kristiansand S
915 488 099


This competition is for Nye Veier's IT operations in addition to the procurement and maintenance of necessary office suite equipment. Nye Veier would like to establish a good cooperation with an IT supplier who can understand the company's activities, importance of efficient and simple IT operations and who can offer flexible and scaleable systems to a Contracting Authority with a large development potential. Nye Veier will enter into one contract (the main contract) with one tenderer. This contract will be split into 2, into an operational contract (SSA-D) and a Framework Agreement for the procurement and maintenance (SSA-K and SSA-V) of office suite equipment. The aim of this contract system is to ensure Nye Veier a uniform total delivery from the supplier, which will in turn ensure efficient and simple IT operations for the company.

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