Price and Design Contest with Interaction for the Procurement of a Turnkey Contractor for the Demolition and Construction of a New County Hall in Bergen


02 - Contract notice
Piiratud menetlus
06.10.2018 10:28 (GMT+03:00)
05.11.2018 12:00


Hordaland fylkeskommune Hordaland fylkeskommune
Bernt Stian Vik Bernt Stian Vik
Postboks 7900
5020 Bergen
938 626 367

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Hordaland County Council has decided that the County Hall in Bergen, Agnes Mowinckelsgate 5, is to be demolished and rebuilt. The new county hall is expected to be the workplace for all of the approx. 600 employees in the county administration, as well as for the political management. The new county hall is to be extended with a new tower compared with the current county hall. The development plan allows construction on up to 27 000 m The county will require approx. 50 % of this area. The remaining developed area will be rented to one or more external actors.

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