Evaluation of package course (HDIR)


02 - Contract notice
Avatud menetlus
04.09.2018 10:30 (GMT+03:00)
08.10.2018 12:00


Helsedirektoratet Helsedirektoratet
Øystein Løseth
Universitetsgata 2
0130 Oslo
983 544 622

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Ministry of Health and Care Services has given the Directorate of Health, in consultation with user organisations and the special field, the task of preparing a package course for mental health and drugs and alcohol. The first package courses will be implemented in autumn 2018 and patients can be referred from 1.1.2019. The package courses must be followed via a comprehensive evaluation. The Directorate of Health has, thus, a need to enter into a contract with a tenderer who can carry out the evaluations.

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