Procurement — Flushing and emptying sewage installations, 2017


03 - Contract award notice
Avatud menetlus
21.08.2018 10:38 (GMT+03:00)


Ålesund kommune Ålesund kommune
Ann-Iren Sperre Ann-Iren Sperre
6025 Ålesund
942 953 119


The aim of the Contract is to cover the Contracting Authority´s need for flushing/cleaning municipal sewage pipelines, emptying/cleaning municipal sand traps on the pipeline network, sewage pump stations, etc. Comments to the agreement: — The contract does not apply to treatment facilities, beyond what is stated in the requirement specifications, — The contract does not include emptying sludge from minor sewage installations and from municipal interceptors for sludge, (which receive sewage from houses), which is covered by ÅRIM (Ålesundregionens Interkommunale Miljøselskap IKS), — Ålesund municipality reserves the right to use its own vehicle for services involving drains in roads.

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