2018 Procurement and administration of Microsoft licences


Avatud menetlus
21.06.2018 10:35 (GMT+03:00)
20.08.2018 9:00


Nordland fylkeskommune Nordland fylkeskommune
Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard
Prinsensgate 100
8048 Bodø

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Nordland county, hereafter called the contracting authority, would like to enter into a framework agreement for the administration with the procurement and / or hire of licences for all Microsoft products. The aim is to achieve a dynamic and scalable licence portfolio that is adapted to the technological development and the organisation's need. The contracting authority would also like to achieve lower procurement, maintenance and administration costs for software and licences from Microsoft.

The contract has an annual value of approx. 5 000 000 NOK. This is only an estimate and is not binding.

The framework agreement period is 2 years. The contracting authority has an option to extend the contract on the same terms for 1+1 year. The contract has a unilateral notice period of 6 months. If the contract is not concluded, it will automatically be extended for further 12 months. After 48 months the contract will expire without a prior notice.

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